Archive for March, 2007

By Josh Adams This story on an RSS Aggregator written in Ruby, brought to you by me via an RSS Aggregator written in something else. Get your library knowledge on. From the article: A liberal RSS aggregator in 26 lines of Ruby – may be hard to believe, but it’s true. On top of that, […]

Mike Bailey, creator of Deprec, is apparently in Africa or something right now. Apache’s been updated, and the version of httpd that deprec points to (2.2.3) has been removed and replaced (2.2.4). To get deprec working for you, just edit your deprec recipe to correct this. Mine was at /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/deprec-1.3.1/recipes.rb I think. Search for 2.2.3 […]

Being such a pretty day in Birmingham, I decided to take google spreadsheets camping. I’m starting to use Google Spreadsheets more and more and have very little to complain about. However, the interface leaves much to be desired. My chief problem is the reliance on opening up multiple tabs( windows for non firefoxers ) for […]

Recently when creating a rails backed dsl for interacting with Quickbooks SDK, I found myself desiring the ability to have json like behavior on a ruby object. By this I mean being able to create an object with attributes and subobjects on the fly and then being able to access them easily. My solution and […]

Needing a place to ferret index over 3.5 million records, my options were to either run my macbook at 100% cpu for the whole weekend or pay some change to amazon for use of their ec2. I chose the latter and have been extremely impressed. Following the guides at amazon, I had Marcin’s base ubuntu […]